
Established in 2017

Here at Fern Fragrances, we strive to create quality candles that will transport you to your favorite outdoor setting from the comfort of your home. This began as a passion project by our creator, and has flourished into a thriving family business. All of our inspiration is found in the great outdoors, and when we're not making candles to capture the essence of the earth, we're out there enjoying it. 

23 September 2016


The spark of an idea

Our owner went for a hike on this day that set the wheels of Fern Fragrances in motion. While taking in the sights and scents of the trail, she knew she had to find a way to capture that feeling and bring it to homes everywhere.

07 October 2016


The Process Began

After a little research, the testing phase began! It took a while to get the hang of candle making. Formulating the perfect scents to encapsulate nature while also being organic, vegan, and environmentally friendly in our production took some trial and error.

23 March 2017


Fern Fragrances was born!

After spending months further researching her process and technique, she made the decision to bring Fern Fragrances to life! We started small, by selling our fragrances at small, local festivals. 

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